Time to Plan

Deciding to leave a situation where you are being taken advantage of is a big step. Planning for this big life change can be exciting but also difficult. It’s time to think about what you will need to leave, both mentally and physically. 

Becoming Mentally Prepared

Know your why

Start imagining your new life

Get connected to someone who can support you

Understand that there will be challenges but you can overcome them

Becoming Physically Prepared

Memorize numbers

Keep a written list of important phone numbers in case your phone is taken or damaged. Try to memorize them too.

Stay safe during dangerous situations

Exiting a manipulative or abusive situation can be dangerous. As you are planning to leave, avoid rooms with dangerous items like knives, tools, guns or no exits during violent situations. Safer rooms might be where others can see or hear what's happening.

Know your location

If you don’t know where you are, try to figure it out by looking for street signs, checking for addresses on buildings, or finding any newspapers, magazines, or mail with an address.

Protect your children

If you have kids in the situation, tell them it's not their job to protect you. Teach them how to call for help, where to hide during trouble, and practice your escape plan together.

Pack a go bag

If you think it is safe to do so, pack a bag with your most essential items. Items you should consider bringing are: Important documents (if you have access to them) such as your ID, Social Security Card, Birth Certificate, Green Card, Passport, etc. A phone and phone charger A change of clothes A few snacks Hygiene products, such as toothbrush and toothpaste, or tampons/pads If you have children, also include their essentials, such a diapers, wipes, formula

Create a signal

Make a secret signal or code with a trusted person to let them know you're in danger and what action to take, like calling 9-1-1.

Think Through the Exit

Consider your exit route

There are a lot of paths people take to get out of exploitative situations. Each person and situation is unique. Exiting is about figuring out what is going to work best for you. Start by thinking through:

What resources do you think will be most important to exit?

Consider other services you may need:

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