Defining Exploitation

Exploitation can be a difficult word to understand. In more simple terms it can be seen as being taken advantage of. If you have felt pressure, or are feeling pressured, to do any kind of work or trade sex by being forced, tricked into, or manipulated into it, you may be experiencing or may have experienced an exploitative situation. A lot of times this can feel very uncomfortable and like someone is or was taking advantage of you. Exploitation is the unfair treatment of someone in order to produce a profit. Some severe forms of exploitation are defined as human trafficking under state and federal law.

Exploitation is not always easy to identify. People may be in exploitative situations without realizing it or it may take years to identify past circumstances as exploitative. Some signs that you may be experiencing or have experienced exploitation include:

What are Force, Fraud, and Coercion?

(Trigger Warning - Contains Descriptions of Violence)

These terms can be confusing, especially the legal definitions. We’ll try to make it as simple as possible. In short, people use force, fraud, and coercion to control, trick, or manipulate other people. 


Force is active and physical violence used to take away a person’s choice. Force can include:


Fraud refers to intentionally distorting the truth in order to get someone else (who relies on that version of the truth) to surrender a legal right or give up something valuable that belongs to them. Fraud can include:


Coercion is indirect and psychological manipulation used to take away a person’s choice. Coercion can include:

These methods of exploitation and manipulation can be used together and overlap. They can have a severe impact on your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Exploitation is a violation of your rights and you deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. There are people and organizations who are here to support you, and you have the right to exit exploitative and manipulative situations and seek help when you want to and are ready.

Next we’ll talk about the difference between labor exploitation and sexual exploitation but you should know that being taken advantage of can happen in both ways at the same time or at different points in your life. Many survivors talk about having experience with both types of exploitation.

Labor Exploitation

Is present when:

Sexual Exploitation

Is present when:

Both labor and sexual exploitation can have a severe impact on a person’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being. It can get in the way of living a fulfilling life, as well as make it difficult to financially and emotionally support themselves and their families.

Want to learn more?

Watch this TED Talk about Elijah. He spent his childhood working in the restaurants of a religious organization, away from his family and frequently being moved from state to state. Elijah shares his story of silence, shame, abuse, and ultimately escape from human trafficking.

Or watch this short film about Maggie. This fictional short film tells the story of a young woman named Maggie, who is trapped in a cycle of abuse and exploitation as a victim of sex trafficking. The film follows her journey as she struggles to break free from her captor and escape the life of forced prostitution.

Exploitation takes on many forms. Learn about the different types here.


There is a lot of misinformation and misconceptions surrounding exploitation. We’re here to help you separate fact from fiction.

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