Time To Exit

We believe that everyone deserves the right to exit from exploitative or dangerous situations. Whether it’s in the workplace, a relationship, or any other circumstance, your autonomy and well-being matter. Exiting these situations may not always happen on your first try; it might take several attempts, each requiring courage, determination, and support.

It is important to have a plan for exiting, if you haven’t already, return to the Time to Plan page and  take time to figure out how you will exit and what resources and services you need. If you are local to the Big Bend area of Florida you call our warm line at 850-597-2080 to talk through your exit plan with us, otherwise you can call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 888-373-78888 orvisit the Survive & Thrive Advocacy Center’s Get Help page to find the right resource(s) for you.

As you are leaving a situation where you were being taken advantage of, it’s important to keep yourself safe. Here are some tips to help you:

New Address

 If you move to a new home, only share your address with trusted people. You can also check out the Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) for extra protection.

We believe that everyone deserves the right to exit from exploitative or dangerous situations. Whether it’s in the workplace, a relationship, or any other circumstance, your autonomy and well-being matter. Exiting these situations may not always happen on your first try; it might take several attempts, each requiring courage, determination, and support.

It is important to have a plan for exiting, if you haven’t already, return to the Time to Plan page and  take time to figure out how you will exit and what resources and services you need. If you are local to the Big Bend area of Florida you call our warm line at 850-597-2080 to talk through your exit plan with us, otherwise you can call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 888-373-78888 or visit the Survive & Thrive Advocacy Center’s Get Help page to find the right resource(s) for you.

As you are leaving a situation where you were being taken advantage of, it’s important to keep yourself safe. Here are some tips to help you:

Protective Order

Think about getting a legal order to stop the controller from contacting you. In many places, you can do this without talking to the police. Learn more here.

Secure Your Home

Always lock your doors and consider changing the locks if the person who controlled you had a key or could access your place.

Get Help

Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-3737-888 to find a service provider near you. They can help you with long-term safety plans, including getting a protective order or using the ACP in your state.

Document Unwanted Contact

If the controller contacts you in a threatening way, keep records. Save voicemails and threatening text messages. Consider changing your phone number if needed.

Carry a Phone

Always have a cell phone or emergency phone with you. Tell your neighbors, employer, or friends to call the police if they see the controller near you.

Safety Plan with Children

If you have kids who were also in the bad situation, talk to them about what to do if the controller contacts them and how to call for help. Learn more about Safety Planning.

Special Signal

Create a secret signal with someone you trust to let them know if you’re in danger. Make sure they know what to do when they see the signal.


 You can find more information on rebuilding your life after leaving an exploitative situation relationship at the Survive and Thrive Advocacy Center’s Get Help page. You can also find more resources on the Thrive and Resources pages.

Staying safe is crucial, and these steps can help protect you and your loved ones after leaving a difficult situation.

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