Stages of Change

Change can be difficult, especially if you are being taken advantage of by force, fraud, or manipulation. It can be helpful to think about change in stages and think about where you are in the process. The Stages of Change can be applied to a lot of situations including exiting an abusive, manipulative, or exploitative relationship.


This is the stage where you may not be aware you are being taken advantage of, exploited, or trafficked and you may not see it as a problem. You may be in denial about your situation or may not have access to the resources and support you need to make a change.



This is the stage where you may begin to recognize that you are in a manipulative or dangerous situation and may start to think about leaving. During this stage you might start to gather information and resources, but may not be ready to take action yet.



This is the stage where you start to take concrete steps to leave the situation. You might reach out to friends, family, or organizations for help, or may start to make a plan to exit.



This is the stage where you start taking the steps necessary to leave the situation, such as contacting authorities, accessing support services, or fleeing from an abusive, manipulative, or exploitative situation.



This is the stage where you work to maintain your new way of life. During this stage you may start feeling like you’re thriving instead of just surviving. It is okay if you need to access long-term support and resources, such as housing, counseling, and education during the maintenance stage. Many people have a better quality of life when they have strong support systems.


When you are moving through the stages of change, there can be setbacks. You may may experience different stages of change at different times and may move back and forth between stages. Getting out of a situation where you are being taken advantage of is not easy, especially if you don’t have access to resources and support that work for you. 

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