Victim Blaming

A lot of time people who have been taken advantage of or exploited experience victim blaming. Victim blaming happens when people unfairly blame the person who was hurt or had something bad happen to them, instead of blaming the person who caused the harm or the things that went wrong. It’s like saying, “It’s your fault that something bad happened to you.” This is a problem for a few reasons:

It's not fair

Blaming the person who got hurt takes the focus away from the person who caused the harm.

It makes things worse

When people are already going through a tough time, blaming them can make them feel even worse. They might feel guilty or like it's their fault, even when it's not.

Stops people from getting help

If someone thinks they'll be blamed for what happened, they might not ask for help or tell anyone about it. This can make it hard to get out of a situation where they’re being taken advantage of.

Makes it harder to fix societal problems

When we blame victims instead of the people who caused the harm, we don't fix the real problems, and that makes it tough to prevent exploitation from happening again.

Learn more about victim blaming

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